Blogmas Day 22: Preparing for Christmas Lunch


Hey Sweeties,

We’re so close to Christmas Day my stomach has already started rumbling in anticipation. I feel so much better about Christmas this year and just allowing myself to indulge for once… I don’t know about you guys but I struggle to let myself go and eat more than I actually need to. I find once I have had a good filling of Christmas lunch and some casual grazing from the Quality Street tin I am kinda done but I know people that really go to town and just gorge out from the moment dawn breaks. Not for me personally.

Saying that, for the first time though I am hosting Christmas day and Ian and I have just done our Christmas shop (from Aldi). We only have Ian’s parents coming over for a couple of days and then we’re both off to Devon to see mine but I think we have bought enough food and drink for probably like ten people instead of four, ha!

I have never cooked a roast dinner so I am quite nervous about cooking Christmas lunch, especially in our crappy oven! I love cooking though and mainly it’s just timings rather than the actual cooking of the various components. I have been watching lots of Christmas cooking programmes for tips and ideas, Jamie Oliver’s recipes are a definite favourite! But to be honest,  Ian and I are keeping it really simple and then in the future when we have a new kitchen fitted with a better oven and better storage etc. then we’ll embrace the challenge of creating more from scratch. I also feel I need a couple of crash courses in stuffing and preparing a turkey from my Mum…!

Aldi Christmas Shop

Aldi shop done!

Aldi Christmas Turkey

Until I learn how to prepare a turkey from scratch we have this bad boy!

Christmas Treats

Some yummy treats for the day

Christmas Cake

Mum made us a Christmas cake!

I’ll let you know how I get on!

Until tomorrow x